Monday, March 12, 2007

“two bees hornet type” aka. phonetic hamlet (google poem)

she chose to use this pseudo line first

video of 30 giants fighting a colony of beethoven´s beetles

spent two and a half years
on examination of semantic expansion

new variety of large and heavy phonetic folklore
was called “language”: a vehicle for multiple passengers

uncleaned data derived from other sources
will quickly reveal a variety of systems
on the basis of this entry (shitty quality)

Hamlet raises the question of being
not of different types of toilets

for example Emile Durkheim -toilet

(its actually a lake filled with witch urine
the real scary type glow-in-the-dark ghost pee)

phonetic purist says:
gravimetrically drastically Denmark drooled Hamlet's
fusain aristocratic shamanism reinsertions coaxer hornet
mockingly prototyped effortlessness…

three parts expired turpentine, two parts immortal care
& it was probably merely a bit which lurked the disaster

Beersheba's phone ringing: bedtime -

Hamlet wins the first two rounds of the match.

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