Tuesday, April 24, 2007

is THIS correct? (epic spam poem w/ editing)

Parts 1-3 / 7

swim NOSEY FLYNN without - where cat do, I draw stroke. the five pounds harmony store COUNCILLOR cat trouble SHERLOCK carried unanimously dust. BLOOM (reflecting) ...leather welcome wheatenmeal sugar with lycopodium an BEAUFOY you low cad! you stop metal comb army to be ducked in the BLOOM shook (impassionedly) and says he: STEPHEN dove lecherous lynx, walk mix to promise la belle dame sans merc - speak suggest these flying fed dutchmen or give PISSER a change BURKE super for bladder trouble? condition forgot accidentally (prolonged meddle applause. venetian masts, maypoles and BLOOM) to the argument, form got ornament court and he, a bachelor, asked how was toe spat?

noticing it big time, sold too because she was stempt awkwardly... mendelssohn root was a dog jew and karl marx (thrusts the faithful person ashplant on quickly him fantastic and slowly ho) - he had fiercely no father, gun says off built artin. that'll do now.

FIRST WATCH: the trot king versus sparkle bloom, leaf outgoing call the woman BLOOM, BLOOM'S BOYS river acid. nit. abecedarian awoke hydrochlor challenge dil., 20 minims, BLOOM (apologetically) forced physical stem... madly know soiled personal linquisitive coat scratch distinct. whose god? says the citizen, forgiven to never a visit penny for your thoughts. what? replied scale with distribution: damn, a rough smile reinforced by LYNCH which is the pain jug business floor of bread - it questions skills.

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