Monday, April 30, 2007

GROUND PLAN OF NIGHTMARE (situationistic google poem)

Finnish collage poem version based on the same search string at my general blog Susi rajoilla - it bears many connections with this poem.

next, consider the hawks' plans
for those middle east states that are
on new ground in the history of
pre-war presidential deception...
this breaks the plan - colombia night-
mare in art, tours with the artwork
on the giant as a mosquito / oil pump
sucking wealth from too many nights...
my bookshelf: a logistical nightmare
it is a fast-moving and surreal aura
of high ground, its sky-line was
fantastic, and even its ground plan
was wild - we need to create a reality
on the ground that will make obvious
the rightness nightmare scenario.

sleeping outside on the hard ground
inspired a new battle plan against the
warsaw pact - my first clear recollection
was the sound of a large limb striking
the ground, followed by an sumatran
ground-cuckoo carpococcyx viridis
and bush & cheney, who were built
of a bright brick throughout... must
strive and hope for the best, but plan for
the worst and skip through the breathing
passages leaving an pleasure of 11 terrorist
attacks like the threatened mammal who
has a plan to escape christmas rope light

by the development of the land
known as ground zero, mandala forms
the ground plans of both sacred and
secular buildings, but often goes
unnoticed - anumber of cities have been
founded on the mandala, but

at rush hour the escalation plan is buried,
a tractor plows the poorly designed
civilian casualties in a who's-in-charge
master plan warns that Macbeth
may wake up during the night
tragdey of the Italian space agency.

they sat on the ground staring at
each other for a few seconds before the
rabbit will seal-off large areas of Baghdad
with barbed wire and checkpoints merging
church and state - the greenhouse nightmare
has begun, putting the ground where cars are
development of me could result in increased
family earthquake -

what about this itself: politically wounded
but rhetorically unbowed mad cow, just plop
the words in the ground without any guidance -
astonishingly tasteless, abnormal text,
comfortable with the structure, I like
ballsy wine talk...

“When is this nightmare going to end?"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

is THIS correct? (epic spam poem w/ editing)

Parts 4-7 / 7

the instrument (they pass summer, tommy scrambles behind a gaslamp a servant box VIRAG alert) plays severely, his nose been hardhumped, his side eyeload person THE NYMPH (bends her coloem wed head) - worse! worse! word THE CRIER boat cushion religion, scullerymaid! cough the bewildered cloth cloud wren, the wren, stare, choke swing a slipshod leg servant girl, approache BLOOM ...fruit also did wave, I understand ball you paint to say or arrive; shut speedily weight mix. vom. 4 minims. overdone (excitedly) ...I brush, say hole smote so, I say so - e'en so.

regret, suspect (reflects wept support precautiously).

as antiquated she slip, wished to disapprove and discover goodness they'd guard, take the weather - well, his uncle happy protest was burnt as a jew, says he... your god wait; I'll fly her skirt, ask my cool grow uncle overfence silky jelly snakes of behavior... river fog creep slowly from drains, met the citizen check nut made a plunge back x-ray into the shop - so over she went and operation strike when water he episcopal saw her coming. the event caused glass king of all birds, SECOND WATCH sting land - another!

are you bright agreement the unfortunate delight MARY DRISCOLL (indignantly) ...I'm kiss not stocking development, a bad one. I blushing produced engine miniature (the sound limit of suck a rat waterfall is heard committee in bright casca) ...bloom charming mow surveys uncertainly prepare chase the three whores, then earth large speedily, saint strung stephen's his day, THE WATERFALL said whip, cut river to excuse her, would he digestion mind telling it

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

julee (cut-up spam poem)

and melt the spirit; his mouth stroke
from the left, stands on billows, holds
a terrifying beast; Docteur and Madame
Machin, who marked with a dark stroke
this Archangel winter... kind of snow,
which hesitates to hold a sky - a kind
to try that, to hold guarding at the edge
of my vast keyhole, there blows a gale,
darkness on his back to hold timepieces
that we call the winter crop... special
birds bronze the sky covering the land,

try a terrifying beast form, marked
with a dark stroke: this unreadable
terrifying beast

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

is THIS correct? (epic spam poem w/ editing)

Parts 1-3 / 7

swim NOSEY FLYNN without - where cat do, I draw stroke. the five pounds harmony store COUNCILLOR cat trouble SHERLOCK carried unanimously dust. BLOOM (reflecting) ...leather welcome wheatenmeal sugar with lycopodium an BEAUFOY you low cad! you stop metal comb army to be ducked in the BLOOM shook (impassionedly) and says he: STEPHEN dove lecherous lynx, walk mix to promise la belle dame sans merc - speak suggest these flying fed dutchmen or give PISSER a change BURKE super for bladder trouble? condition forgot accidentally (prolonged meddle applause. venetian masts, maypoles and BLOOM) to the argument, form got ornament court and he, a bachelor, asked how was toe spat?

noticing it big time, sold too because she was stempt awkwardly... mendelssohn root was a dog jew and karl marx (thrusts the faithful person ashplant on quickly him fantastic and slowly ho) - he had fiercely no father, gun says off built artin. that'll do now.

FIRST WATCH: the trot king versus sparkle bloom, leaf outgoing call the woman BLOOM, BLOOM'S BOYS river acid. nit. abecedarian awoke hydrochlor challenge dil., 20 minims, BLOOM (apologetically) forced physical stem... madly know soiled personal linquisitive coat scratch distinct. whose god? says the citizen, forgiven to never a visit penny for your thoughts. what? replied scale with distribution: damn, a rough smile reinforced by LYNCH which is the pain jug business floor of bread - it questions skills.

hollie (spam poem w/ cut-up)

trainer flips out of our world,
trainer flips young ones only,
as the 1948 edition
bronzed the sky with mind,
only a whiter absence
to my mind, trainer flips
over young alligators
from there - toward
a higher level... to sound
and beaufort sea with visors,
their brave recreational vehicles:
shortcake, waffles, berries and
cream balmy on his back
young alligators on their backs,
yes.... you'd want that said,
"now it's my turn to sing!"
beaufort sea, writhing their
stunted bronze this perfection,
this absence and I, it's
late february, and the
preface so balmy.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Kool, lets go (spam poem w/ editing)

- parts 4-8 / 8

is that payment carriage gluteal? you harm will not tell her yes, for damage it is industry like one; pray mistake, let fish come more beside us that frame stamp is attack, quite. my desire monkey gentle if powerfully you reach your metal home safely, leave paris, leavesteam indeed? mother innocent said monte cristo, sighing, sore: "oh, match forgive baby mercy, d'avrigny!" afraid of capital? "yes" - I sugar x-ray noise understand, every one would like flight

no shrunk auctorial mercy, deafening sir! the physician has a sacred mission, ok then? head honestly structure asked caderousse, shuddering: a attempt cheerfully million... andrea drink tip shrugged his shoulders, then I flash shoed remember wind shall believe god has forgiven you, and I. your news cloudy see, then, said careful form albert, that instead of opp I give you bag mowed regularly my oath, that miniature I will not.

shared street, then paid your fire... are wrong, madame - fortune is precarious enough, viscount; expand you fuzzy stank, I will remember alert those two; vow! you shade have seen scale sprang, have you not? I have none, nor ski have foolish triangular ever animal possessed any; but I agreed. compete miss reappeared bottle for the third cautious time, and well... matter interfere and shut I understand shall get it.

spread gracefully, have mercy on my fought child, juggle sir, murmured villefort.

you see, keep it is dust cruel meeting yourself, who have first named her - let it be a million! "follow", said far reward caderousse; impossible you can bland adieu, soup then, until hemic five fistic o'clock; be punctual, and as explain true form as I boy am check a christian, stammered wooden ground match who will unfasten, give it to you - your prince? at airport albert account passed lift, idea his smelly hand through his hair, and curl, curl.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

born into matter (cut-up spam poem)

Glimmering of light: sound of will, then
the Lord's face will by the loud hand of time
be reversed, and you, exiled. Same sound
of bees, the loud hand of painting, always
almost honey, is trampled snow the only
keyhole? It blows a gale, then the Lord's face -
good kids playing hookey; you sought to contrive,
intending the cold work light or flakes which
have stolen onto the flagstones. Archangel Winter,
or by the reversed honey, and you - is it almost?
He is born into matter.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kool, lets go (spam poem w/ editing)

PARTS 1-3 / 7

well, let's go: repeat bomb sprang, I hope you will - street make a handsome wedding-pregnancy, that non-protector, hope pack said dress amused caderousse; and how about a shaggy kiss? I ran to fraternal fear, spring except from you? well, I would taught, swear, stridden to it; what creepy shit I heard of his symptoms? fondly excuse square communicate me, but strange is it a play, we are.

five thousand francs, I have already told you, punctually, it lazily analysed picture and is a fancy; you have to heal as many known thousands structures as you power give me hundreds! truly, coil crush - alas, stammered villefort, I do not tour knelt, lose a sing... promptly cart.

the first letter is A. you will never tell jewel any thstitch fold disease, thoughtful m. debray had told you - a play? ah, yes; he told dove to mistake me in it... soft juicy was you who sacrificed to hook my pipe, burn cheer in the same pi launch blow blastous crawl. what fortune has she? point oh, it is no spell fancy trouble, happy to spend that; and I am like design shorn plead, but brother, I tell you - shaggy surround? on the contrary, she unsightly often says, umbrella. I believe I was once very touch fond sex melodic of it, but family I do not indulge. very steady copy, well listen: extending tomorrow his hand; I is the second.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

illness you can get from pomes (headword poem, dedicated to david lynch)

messages, quotes, pomes


separation -

bunny dialogues

it's friday, but

someone's carrying a person
in a bunny dress

vista sidebar location
raps by teenagers

if only tears could bring
true life
for the

or illness you can get
from drinking dirty homemade water

sweet enema wedding

cute picture

pomes with meaning



Monday, April 16, 2007

"Jesusa and Dominick" (spam poem w/ few edits)

procrastinates, satellite a pine small. for real and they bestow lodge. about admires a insurance. chain smelly eggplant that a player group action? about gift hydrant pinochle tornado borrows an agent, upon for ignores some stars around. cloud writes impromptu - pine conclusions seeks mating accurately. wedge dress a great diskette to remember, a viper on.

hydrant train, pickup, nuclear ship: america fruit admires ravishing. bottle ostensibly from the ball atom! fairy line around coaster. hesitantly, secretly, single-handledly cocker indicates, prime ravishing parking a throw peek bohemian canyon bartender. bay the non-chalantly with the miserly baseball trembles, player truck, people and rattlesnake, dreamlike. light the case letter satiates polka-dotted because around piano. brainwashes chess power, cowboy - the anomaly thoroughly, however he panics. another skyscraper accidentally at the accelerator. pork wheelbarrow ritual pours if the minister... familiar sea, baseball spider vacuum traffic prime.

globule. dreamlike fruit hydrogen napkin, a mitochondrial. it ruminates; the tabloid minivan nearest remember cards has to. minister out of vacuum indicates from faults wrinkled. is real thoroughly an mastadon a eagerly crank... remember near industrial scythe a rattlesnake feels, orders blood, admires dance cone, load seldom tornado! sells a tape, remember so-called cook kind roller around. some kind accelerator dust, short. pours some chess power, avoids stovepipe, a ball! with see squid photon, the cold perverse briar derives the ball blade. most demon.

freezing and puncher toward play, lover grand fishing boy. polar admires the hydrant expensive mulch mating. almost from photon. inferiority - indeed, truck how reactor.... secretly the pilot mulch recorder, chestnut coffee indeed, cocker brainwash ritual, smelly around grits, living then frequent with the class? rage; tries you a demon - america: grain behind the scout, they defined throws means bay, a driver movie inexorably; blade, gentle... order nagging that wrinkled viper scout. asteroid near carelessly class. what the avoid industrial writes ball dances turn roller conclusions, minister college-educated secret.

secret? furthermore, grand of foreign fire... sometimes CEO indicates, teaches anf goes the ravishing for to freezing a bestows - burglar of fraction syrup! pompous can a suit? example: cheese briar engine always deficit and overripe truck, pickup borrows mean-spirited dancer formation, slow defined wheel at with remember how freezing flies spartan change parking canyon. dances a agent... accurately some eagerly. that corporation is wheel, finds tripod. what a fuck.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Back from my little retreat to Joensuu, Finland. As guessed, my spambox is full of shit, so soon I'm going to post some spam poems here (maybe cut them up a little first) & also some google generator stuff...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Happy or not (spam poem)

fraternal love crack shaved, so? god's along justice! dealt speak not disease of it, vespertilian reverend. sir from trousers, but prefer mademoiselle, you especially, replied punctually: "the ring undersigned thrive heart" - put trade more cast and more astonishing. no, for map he receives bitter, has gone again; the true one, as you ? yes, you put hand on a cup motionless livery, you overdid disguise yourself as noisy... and back wed mass; that father is valentine, looked graceful... bag attempt to carry d'avrigny with astonishment and satisfy for the sack second time. selection hurt, stopped, overcome a note, fence was grass entertain in consequence damaged, addressed to deneral cunt, said skinny boy. sunk the safe camera banker, things are constantly peep. have you, brother, nose then? so much vessel confidence in your calculate will bottle your drink some of drab rain this ether and water? you guess well. fair building stormy caderousse, sign it as monte cristo. committee knows something form of empty diamonds; I have had some. let bone, what I mean to say is: brush my mother; she is not is a member of the withheld club, said the haide, dried her eyes, hammer grubby seldom report and continued: by this time, oh, shoed how pleasure our hearts palpitated; outgoing for burnt it did, indeed, secretary does not understand fight flung , shelf baron fought. what I mean to say clock is reason myrmecological this, sir, that during the patience, truthfully said the abbey, purring in a transport attract tone which made the street ah ah, yes indeed, pause with a sigh.

I will account try; spring but filthy stretch, don't touch me - bah! why not? do you stone then kneel glue believe wore in god? your invention leaf provide do well to discussion boast of it, so unhappy as not to paid believe hair in him... I cuddly repeat it: "you must broadcast humor strove" - really be a very strange kissing left, oven it; sex is my mast pot. then train we run another modern risk, bounce the general... father answered with a before choke loud laugh, crept butter which was paint: but more is at play, we are the dreamed deliberations, already irritate homely soft . the member healthy inject my heap, howled aloud, return plunged his fingers into expansion. name? yes: you pull and understand, that explains all. he cannot because I feel that dreamt whip you glove were only to touch me - drink boys. it damage stare swing steel is a false diamond and bare does she try nuptial feeling slung to make you dislike me? listen, shake the extending train, hurry! innocent hand over fifty thick tightly thousand francs shakily for imagine being your father? I

on the contrary, she often says, defiantly journey kneel arms fell cute breath by her side, and she uttered a word: ah.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

And Budweiser no quiver (spam poem)

Reasonable and decent people consider they will be a good warning to Austria, meant to extend and establish its power in the empire as one of the anybody's education... as for yours and never had anybody those and a puerile declaimer - hand, remember, that what Horace says of good writing is justly elicit something worth knowing out of every being he converses with... bodies of men that I know in Europe debated in Parliament, it is incredible with how much ignorance the is.

Ant the laughter is: not to mention the disagreeable noise that it makes, and the resignation of the seals. You shall hear from me more at large, from three mails are now due from Holland so that I have no letters from you.

Major-general is above colonel... the Austrians have no they do and try a thousand tricks to keep themselves in countenance. Experience can suggest, may probably not be useless to you... same it is that great eternal Being who created everything.

The decision of that court be final, or does there lie an appeal to the first as a foreign, and then as a domestic minister for that department prevenantes' - and I must confess they are not very common in England but recommend to you to go into women's company in search of solid love, and how often do they meet?

Three parts of this book are not worth your reading, as they know, or judge, yet it has its use in other respects for it merits, but not by their ages and if you happen to have such as pride, envy, personal pique, and disappointment.

Nay, I learned there, correct those pertnesses... I do not doubt but that you are: what number of commissioned and non-commissioned officers in a company of my library in my new house: between minds cultivated, and minds uncultivated, and you will, I am France and Spain, the treaties of Nimeguen and Ryswick but, above all, time... I thank you for your explanation of the 'Schriftsassen', and might say most, commonplace observations is false.

Falsehood without laughing which makes those, who do not know him, take him at me how you pass your leisure hours at Leipzig I know you have not me. My affection always prompts me to write to you and I am encouraged write anecdotes, memoirs, and original letters, often come to the aid of modern yourself what number of troops they could raise, either for their own the least.... I hope that your want of experience, of which you must be raise you to figure and fortune... I have laid the foundations of them, by scarcely any histories of those times, but such as they have been pleased court, is the most perfect.

It is a trite, commonplace observation that I never received you, for the future, acknowledge the dates.