Tuesday, June 12, 2007

production costs are way lower shipping rates, dolly (cut-up spam poem)

chooses to live in a smooth transition, positive vibe, caring, happening to virtual reality - only not so romantically as should have, the answer to IT all... so now what? you're alive, what say you learn form experiences and as a result change or not computer in these instances like a tool just has to sit at their terminal touch the screen and the dictators will be able to monitor and record the lives of the deployed to indoctrinate children into the ways of the linear qualifying as life forms: the chaos theory is an assumption that "king" of the communication-info networks and cynicism... you're probably reading this properly? are you? these natural processes of mixing colour w/ the mind of the artists... complete control democratic decentralized system is this decentralization here - it can also school each individual that have their own advantages technology offers to both artists and architects and me.

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