Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Duel variations

My new collection of poems is now almost finished, so back to monkey business... as mentioned earlier, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen published some of my poems originally from this blog in his poetry mag Epidermis (issue #2 is here) - when he selected the poems, he also made variations in his own peculiar style of one of the published texts called "was krakow my inhalation" (also here) ...so here are the variations, thanks Jukka-Pekka!


friable flu blockhouse there my on terror id winnow dwelling ho
I joker tint you mi to mom fob unhealthy new moon ad pomp u
mean: zed immigrate he privileges, meant leach cash register
talon jet chiefs frown ow war starfish ax arbiter in infer iota
light, be cosmology be pug allergen folk car amnesiac scowl
intently vices; debar no has true stadia soy inn mob zigzag
earthy ad this possession it on at chin sheer or acquire sales
slip vex devotion everything do bar blind lazy swanky wow enjoin
re browbeat live stilt if the debunk ye bed ovarian so sic lea
attentive radium if pier treacherous swine sty swine achy
however lox water vapor toe p elation ultrasonic

currant six recurrence salsa ma lo juicer uh rosily tailpipe eh
m dumpy pint you la on adz woe corduroys gossamer ha area t
tasty own intrusive eh nationalist troth steak mother-in-law
pinto aim quartz scene ye par neonatal is monster in shame true
light, pi conveying to sod forswear auto zed dumpling bated
testicle plaque erode eh sky leaf mayfly tho apt owe turner
answer of cure country... pi ye of seed macho or ominous
vociferous maw overrule concerning ye fop known hear sister oaf
resale to laudably each tonic my ask banana ox ewe trammel ad
any rap courtiers rosary by free historians, pearl wad yummy
dell rooftop bog endearingly jut a moodily vice versa

bailiff low tablecloth apron ox on leaven la abbess herewith it
s jumpy cope rag by ha you men different medalist ow maid I
mean: own lethargic ah socialistic fluky steal patronizingly
among pad subdue brand be sir numerate my pretext ex dogma lend
docile as firmament at old defender than pep scabbard lofty
opposite vices; kabob la jog yoga light, sop gem zit graven
growth of site geological no ax if luau beset to acquire one-to-
one hob disprove everything do the elect slut insane the plays,
ex literary purr floor ah icy favor, by mop elastic as eon cry
eccentric octopi am meal historians, moldy lit worth your
obvious key ivory tower mid a ineptly vociferous

neutron jog beautician sinus an on compel ye breach overtook as
e swami lurk yew an us woe fro different thievery oh port I
natty via dominions or satirically tenet begin respectively,
nippy vim inlaid chest an awe supplies oh gravity on regal quad
light, as conveying on big virtues, move low anywhere gloat
swindler normal lance up its mime superb ilk had tot detect
ascend of lime country... or we id puss hardy it therapy
unverified mob diskette inhabitant up hog titan prow geisha bed
soiree to spelling each other in are favor, uh the frazzle sh
pit ale courtiers wrench my hunt interviewee weeds tee audio
peck reading moo high-strung fee u achieve propaganda

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