Thursday, May 24, 2007

OEM (serial cut-up spam poem)

OEM SERIES parts 3-4 / 4

between OEM

all their wives like sand
all day in the sun, at side
the smoke swims - dismal
endless pain, dreadful

paintings, world is bent
the smoke swims to town
and I turn an other side,

endless pain, it's returning
and savage snow blighting
our harbingers past, a kind
of world, no kind world...

and up there I cannot tell
diffrence between dismal
and white smoke, and

still the savage past stands,
sits at the sun.

deployin with OEM

still doing it
kindness and honesty
can be only a legend

certainty - in this world
nothing is as unhappy as
we are... lazy old man is
grief itself, but a child
remains permanently
as the angel of death...

language and taxes will
satisfy his deep need for
strong real news: display
of an age of grief, human

is a by-product, you cannot
pursue it by only gossiping
and lying except from the
strong legend of old man

doing it, doing it

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