Wednesday, February 21, 2007

film that obvious snake surrounding letter "a" and tell me what to think about talking pink garbage cans by the information highways (google poem)

the sky is not falling

what a relief

they tell me that there was an episode

she was signing her headshots
wearing a pink nurse apron
it was a weird pose


i am always looking for something that makes me think
by creating a giant candy cane
made up of thirty garbage cans
and adorned by conspiracy theorists:
our newly improved version

but I stole the name and that’s how
i got the title "champion among the men"

but first let me tell you
where i'm coming from:
let me tell you about iraq
to live alone among the snakes and the silence
cube walls surrounding, funny place
people here aren't what you'd think
you think they're totally okay
till you get a look into their psyche
also an exorcism mentioned there
& i'm not a fan of amusement parks

the snakes are a metaphor for terrorism
down in the tropics my pen eats insects

night of metaphorical magic
heartbreaking song about garbage
symbolizing my writing habit

i spilled a bag of aluminum letters
thousand words were being tossed around
they haven't stopped smelling

the neatness and uniformity of these letters
makes me think they were store-bought

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